Croquis Books
Croquis Books
Croquis books are thin sheets of paper with smooth surfaces bound into booklets and mostly used for Croquis, Esquisse (preliminary sketches) and sketching ideas.
The paper is generally high-quality writing paper and non-wood pulp paper (made from cotton and kenaf, etc.) With a smooth, flat texture, it is very suitable for use with pencils, Conté crayons and pens, which travel smoothly over the surface. Colors include white and cream and some have grids and embossing. There are many different types of Croquis book. Compared to an ordinary sketchbook with around 15 to 20 pages, Croquis books contain 50 to 100 sheets. They also vary in size from small A6 and F0 sizes, which are convenient for carrying around, to the larger B3 and F6 as well as the charcoal paper size. In contrast to sketchbooks, many of which are a standard canvas size (F-type), most Croquis books are of the A or B range of sizes.
When using Croquis books, it should be remembered that water colors and other paints, etc. with a lot of moisture content will cause sagging and wrinkling.
Croquis books can be purchased at art supply stores, etc.
* The example (photo) is of a test sample to demonstrate the properties of the paper and the possible expressions. It is not a recommendation of any particularly type of material. (Materials that are not generally suitable are also used to demonstrate their effects.)
Croquis high-quality paper (close-up)
- Examples of strokes on croquis high-quality paper