MAU Art & Design Glossary

Paint Stripper



Paint stripper is a liquid or gel used to dissolve and remove dry, hardened oil paint.

It is used by applying a few drops on hardened paint on brushes and palettes, leaving this for around 10 minutes until the paint is lifted off the surface, and then removing this using a cloth or palette knife. When using a stripper on a raised section of a painting, if it is left for too long, the undercoating could also peel off when you scrape the part off with a knife. So the waiting time must be adjusted depending on the depth of the paint layer to be removed.

It usually contains dichloromethane (methylene chloride) and cellosolve (ethyl glycol) etc. along with paraffin wax to prevent evaporation. When used to make corrections to a painting, the wax content will prevent paint from fixing. So the part in question must be wiped with a cloth soaked with turpentine. Because it contains harmful and volatile chlorine ingredients, the work space should be properly ventilated so as not to inhale too much vapor. If it gets on the skin or eyes, it should be rinsed off immediately with water. Depending on the situation, it may be necessary to consult a doctor. Avoid storing the product in a hot place. If the liquid becomes hot, it could explode out of the bottle when the cap is opened. Hold the bottle so that it faces away from your body and unscrew the cap slowly.

Chlorine-free paint strippers have also become available in recent years due to concerns over the effects of their toxicity on the human body and their impact on the environment. These low-odor products are non-volatile, so the risk of harm through inhalation is minimal. They are also biodegradable. However, they have less stripping power. Paint strippers can be purchased at general art supply stores.